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Information for Crime Victims


A victim or the family of a victim of a crime committed in New Jersey can be repaid for losses and expenses that resulted from the crime. This repayment is called restitution.

Any convicted person might have to pay restitution to the victim or the victim's family as part of their sentence. The victim’s expenses could include lost wages, medical bills, funeral costs, the value of stolen or damages property, loss of business, and other related debts.

When restitution is ordered, the judge decides how much money is to be paid, to whom, and over what time period. The judge will consider if the offender has other debts, such as child support or restitution for other crimes, and if the offender is employed. The judge will set up a payment plan. Payments are made to Probation Services and then Probation Services will send checks to the victims.

Probation Services will need to know the victims’ current address in order to send payment.

Read more about restitution.

Restitution payments

Restitution checks are paid at least once a month as long as the client is making timely payments to probation.

How to tell if your check is for restitution

If you have received a check from the State of New Jersey Judiciary and are unsure of its purpose, the client’s name and reference number (i.e. Client ID), and the Court's phone number will be printed on the top of the payment statement for any questions you may have.

If restitution checks stop coming

Restitution checks are sent based on the payments received from the person placed on probation. As long as enough funds are received, restitution checks will be generated.

The court must have your current address in order to send your payment. Contact your local probation office if your address changes

Victim of Crimes Compensation Office (VCCO)

Victims or their families also can receive compensation from the New Jersey Victims of Crime Compensation Office (VCCO). The VCCO can repay victims or their families for out-of-pocket medical expenses, lost wages, and funeral costs only after other sources such as insurance, health benefits, welfare, or Social Security have paid their share of the expenses. VCCO does not cover property loss or pain and suffering.

For information on filing claims, contact:

NJ Victim of Crimes Compensation Office
50 Park Place, 5th floor
Newark, NJ 07102

Victims’ Involvement in the intensive Supervision Program (ISP)

  • ISP clients make payments to the Victims of Crime Compensation Office, if ordered.
  • All victims are invited to attend ISP hearings and to give the judges their view about your release.
  • Victims often support release into the program, since entry to the program means payment to the victims, if ordered.
  • Victims can choose to volunteer to become part of the ISP client’s case