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Supreme Court Action Plans for Equal Justice

The Supreme Court's Action Plan builds on efforts to improve equality in the courts.

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Supreme Court Action Plan for Equal Justice 2023

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This presents the annual report on the New Jersey Supreme Court’s Action Plan for Ensuring Equal Justice. The Court issued its first Action Plan in 2020 in response to the murder of George Floyd and other similar tragedies, as part of its commitment to identify and seek to eliminate barriers to justice for people of color and other historically marginalized groups.

The Court’s initial announcement highlighted nine areas for reform. At the conclusion of one year, the Court provided a status update on its advancement of each of the nine objectives. It later announced nine new goals for 2021 and nine new goals for 2022.

Through those three annual installments, the New Jersey Supreme Court to date has overseen and authorized improvements in 27 areas, with some reforms yielding direct benefits to people involved with the courts and others building the foundation for systemic change within and beyond the justice system.

In this report, the Court documents the progress achieved in the nine areas announced in its 2022 Action Plan, with links to information and resources for consideration by other court systems engaged in efforts to improve equity. As in prior years, the Court also announces nine new areas of focus for the coming year.

As the Court issues this latest Action Plan installment, it is appropriate to recognize the Judiciary members and many external stakeholders responsible for development, implementation, and assessment of the 2022 initiatives, as well as the reforms advanced in 2020 and 2021. The Court will continue to solicit input from people within and beyond the court system, identify gaps and areas of need, and work to advance equity for all court users in order to support those who have been denied justice because of historic barriers and inequities that disproportionately burden people of color, people of limited financial resources, LGBTQ+ people, and others. With that focus in mind, the Court here shares the outcomes realized in 2022 and announces more areas for improvement in 2023.


Over the past year, the Judiciary has advanced the nine goals set out in the 2022 installment of the Supreme Court’s Action Plan as follows:

  1. Development and use of a toolkit to support judges and staff at all levels in continuing voluntary  conversations about race and equity issues.

    The Judiciary developed, pilot tested, and now publicly shares this resource package designed to facilitate open -- and sometimes difficult -- dialogue about the ongoing effects of discrimination and bias in the courts and all areas of society.

    Through such regular communications about race, gender, and other aspects of identity, people who work together can exchange personal experiences and perspectives, including about incidents of bias and exclusion. Routine communications about these important topics enable members of the court community to more fully recognize the ways that each of us can identify and interrupt structural barriers and disparities and thereby provide a more open door to justice for people of color and other historically marginalized groups.

  2. Use of data-driven strategies to reduce the inappropriate use of secure juvenile detention, while protecting public safety and supporting court appearances.

    The Supreme Court in 2020 relaxed the Court Rules to support rollout of the Judiciary’s electronic juvenile complaint system (Juvenile eCDR). The use of Juvenile eCDR provides greater transparency and consistency, thereby reducing the potential effects of bias in the juvenile complaint process.

    Building on that foundation, the Judiciary in 2023 implemented the final phase of an automated risk screening tool (RST) for juveniles. As compared to a manual process, the new automated Juvenile RST reduces potential errors, expedites the collection of data, and supports enhanced analysis of outcomes for court-involved youth. Juvenile eCDR and the new Juvenile RST work in tandem to enhance consistency and objectivity in decision-making and to produce a growing body of data for analysis. These tools advance fairness for court-involved youth and reduce potential bias in the use of secure detention.

  3. Analysis of data regarding youth in out-of-home placements, with a focus on reducing time to permanency and strengthening supports for youth of color.

    The Judiciary, independently and in collaboration with partners in the Executive and Legislative branches of state government, continues to work on reducing the number of children of color in out-of-home placements, as well as the duration of such placements.

    To advance those dual goals, broad-based working groups established in each county now meet on a quarterly basis to review all cases involving children placed outside of their homes. Those collaborative groups examine options for reunification and other plans for permanency.

    In addition to ongoing efforts to achieve permanency whenever possible, the Judiciary formalized a process to support older youth in extended out-of-home placement by expanding the use of benchmark hearings. The goal is for the judge to have a direct conversation with the youth without the formality of a court hearing. The judge should listen and learn the child’s needs and then help ensure those needs are addressed in a timely manner.

  4. Enhancement of practices, protocols, and trainings to ensure inclusion and the elimination of structural barriers to the courts for LGBTQ+ people;

    The Judiciary continues to advance reforms to support people who pursue a name change in order to affirm identity. Following the Supreme Court’s amendments to Court Rules to classify all name change pleadings and judgments as confidential, the Governor in Executive Order 311 established confidentiality for records also retained by the Executive branch. The Judiciary and Executive branch are exploring further procedural modifications to support safety and privacy in the name change process.In response to the tragic loss of life at the Club Q celebration of Transgender Day of Remembrance, Chief Justice Stuart Rabner and Administrative Director Glenn A. Grant invited legal and community advocates to discuss additional ways for the court system to support safety, access, and inclusion for LGBTQ+ people. That candid and personal discussion sparked numerous initiatives, including a February 2023 panel presentation -- “Equity, Inclusion, and Dignity: A Roundtable Discussion on Gender Identity Inclusion” -- focusing on the particular barriers encountered by people who are transgender, gender nonconforming, and non-binary. Several hundred judges and court staff attended the program. The personal stories and insights shared by the panelists continue to inform and improve the Judiciary’s training for judges and court staff.

  5. Institutionalization of community engagement initiatives to maintain and strengthen relationships with all stakeholders, including attorneys, system partners, and members of the public.

    The New Jersey Supreme Court has long recognized the need for transparency and access as a foundation for procedural justice. To that end, the Judiciary over the past year offered both statewide and local outreach programs on issues of concern, including evolving landlord tenant processes, resources for individuals at risk of or victimized by domestic violence, and new categories of expungements available through recent legislative changes.

    Beyond informational programs and listening sessions, court leaders joined with local legislators and others to establish Gun Violence Reduction Initiatives in a number of counties, with more programs in development throughout New Jersey.

  6. Reexamination of court practices related to all types of disabilities and different abilities.

    The Judiciary solicited and acted on input from Disability Rights New Jersey, New Jersey’s designated Protection and Advocacy agency under federal law, and other public and private stakeholders to optimize physical and virtual access to the courts for people with different physical capacities. As part of the 2023 design for its public website,, the Judiciary posted more materials in HTML format, which is readable on a smartphone and by the assistive technologies used by people with visual impairments. The court website also prioritizes understandability for users who access online resources with a smartphone rather than a large-screen device.

    In addition, with input from outside experts, the Judiciary updated its Courthouse Facility Guidelines to integrate advances in technology and evolving security considerations. The Court-approved guidelines will bolster an organizational commitment to ensure access in all locations for individuals with physical and other limitations.

  7. Coordination of outreach and awareness programs focused on, and responsive to, populations at risk of violence, including Asians and Pacific Islanders and individuals of Jewish faith and culture.

    The administrative director of the courts invited members of specialty bar associations to discuss responses to continued incidents of violence and other forms of bias and discrimination faced by members of Asian communities. Leaders of the Asian and Pacific American Lawyers Association of New Jersey (APALA-NJ) and the South Asian Bar Association of New Jersey (SABA-NJ) recounted their personal histories and experiences as members of the legal profession. Those conversations sparked a Judiciary-wide initiative on the importance of asking court users questions to support quality customer service. The “Just Ask” initiative includes posters now displayed in all court locations to remind our workforce that the best way for judges and court staff to know how to address someone is simple -- just ask. As a follow-up to the earlier listening sessions, attorneys from APALA-NJ and SABA-NJ spoke at a July 2023 program focusing on the experiences of attorneys of Asian heritage in the law.

    The Judiciary also engaged with members of the Jewish community, including representatives of the New Jersey Jewish Federations, regarding the history and continuing effects of antisemitism, including in our local communities. To support our workforce in understanding the ongoing challenges faced by people of Jewish descent and faith, the Judiciary welcomed an expert and scholar in Jewish history in August 2023 for a special program on the rise of antisemitism and its historical roots in the Holocaust.

  8. Continued expansion of the relationships and outreach of the County Domestic Violence Working Groups to optimize processes and outcomes for individuals and families.

    For more than 30 years, the Judiciary has supported county-level working groups comprised of judges, court staff, law enforcement, service providers, and other stakeholders involved in domestic violence prevention. Over the past several years, the Judiciary reinvigorated these groups, including through expansion of membership and updates to annual goals. To ensure ongoing focus in this critical area, the Judiciary added a requirement for each group to report to a statewide committee, chaired by the administrative director, regarding local achievements and challenges.

    All 21 county Domestic Violence Working Groups reported in 2022-2023, providing an opportunity to identify trends -- such as challenges with unserved temporary restraining orders and barriers to fingerprinting of defendants when court sessions are conducted virtually -- and identify effective strategies for statewide expansion. As a tool for other jurisdictions, the Judiciary here shares the meeting and reporting forms used by local groups throughout New Jersey.

  9. Expansion of training on data analytics for judges and court staff to identify and address potential disparate effects on people of color and support organization-wide assessment of policies.

    The Judiciary, in coordination with LinkedIn Learning, customized an online learning program on data analysis and visualization, which all court executives completed in 2023. With improved data literacy, leaders responsible for policy decisions are working with the Data Analysis, Research, and Statistics Unit to critically examine court policies in areas with known or potential race-related disparities, including criminal justice reform and child welfare.

    In addition, through ongoing use of an Equity Impact Assessment tool, the Judiciary continues to review all new and revised policies from a race equity perspective. The institutionalization and consistent use of the EIA has facilitated identification of areas in which demographic data is lacking or inconsistent. Where possible, the Judiciary is taking steps to solicit and compile such information on race, ethnicity, and gender, either directly or through cooperation with stakeholders.


Through the leadership of Chief Justice Rabner, the New Jersey Supreme Court, and Administrative Director Grant, the Judiciary over the past year has engaged in critical equity reforms beyond the specific items listed in the Court’s 2022 Action Plan. They include:
  • Report of Joint Committee on Criminal Justice Reform
    Six years after the enaction of the Criminal Justice Reform Act, Chief Justice Rabner convened a road-based committee to review existing data and examine the effectiveness of the law. In June 2023, the reconvened Joint Committee issued a report that analyzes the performance of Criminal Justice Reform while offering a series of recommendations to sustain the strengths of the current system and integrate further improvements. To maintain the benefits of New Jersey’s CJR system -- which ensures that people with limited economic means who pose minimal risk to society are not held in jail awaiting trial, while higher-risk defendants cannot buy their pretrial release -- the Joint Committee recommended greater consideration of detention for repeat offenders and new opportunities to refer eligible defendants for treatment and needed services.
  • Expansion of Jury Reforms, Including Statewide Collection of Juror Demographic Information
    Following through on goals first highlighted in the 2020 Action Plan, the Judiciary completed a process for ongoing statewide collection of juror demographic information. In furtherance of the Supreme Court’s vision as outlined in July 2022, attorneys in all civil and criminal jury trials now can obtain aggregate demographic information for jury pools upon request. This landmark reform balances transparency as to juror demographics with the need to keep individual juror information private. The collection and provision of voluntary demographic information complements other improvements to the jury selection process, including a lower standard for for-cause challenges, an objective standard designed to reduce the effects of bias in the exercise of peremptory challenges, and interrelated strategies to combat implicit bias and support juror impartiality.
  • Elimination of $7 Million in Unpaid Supervision Fees for People No Longer Subject to Probation Supervision
    Consistent with its 2020 action to vacate certain old, outstanding fines imposed on juveniles, the Supreme Court in its April 20, 2023 Order vacated unpaid probation supervision fees totaling more than $7 million. Without affecting restitution or mandatory penalties, the Court’s action concluded prolonged involvement with the criminal justice system for more than 31,000 adults no longer subject to supervision. In so doing, the Court again supported reintegration into and contribution to society for adults -- including disproportionate numbers of adults of color -- sentenced to probation supervision and subject to non-mandatory fees that create unnecessary burdens without advancing rehabilitation.

    The above examples highlight a few of the ways in which the Court oversaw equity reforms beyond the specific items listed in its 2022 Action Plan installment. Among other ongoing efforts, the Judiciary also advanced access and fairness initiatives in the municipal courts; enhanced supports for parties in high-volume dockets including landlord tenant, foreclosure, and non-dissolution; continued collaboration with private and public employers to connect Probation and Recovery Court clients with reliable employment; and further developed mental health initiatives for court-involved people.


In this fourth installment of its Action Plan, the New Jersey Court now commits to focus on nine new areas, as follows:

  1. Refine court processes involving financial obligations, both to ensure that court-imposed fines and fees are structured to avoid inequitable burdens for people with lesser financial means and to enable greater transparency for court users involved in payment and collection of debts.
  2. Leverage technology to improve notice of and access to court language services, to support all court users in receiving interpreting services and translation supports from the outset of their court involvement.
  3. Analyze and respond to data regarding violations of probation for juveniles, to identify potential disparities associated with race, ethnicity, and gender; to inform strategies to address any biases; and to enhance outcomes for youth on court supervision, including disproportionate numbers of youth of color.
  4. Improve supports for attorneys appointed to provide pro bono representation to individuals without the capacity to retain private counsel, to facilitate advocacy for all individuals while avoiding undue burdens on limited numbers of attorneys.
  5. Strengthen supports for family members of court-involved people with mental health challenges and developmental disabilities so that relatives better understand court processes and navigate the system more effectively.
  6. Enhance race equity staff training and professional requirements to further institutionalize the examination of all court initiatives and processes, including algorithms and assessment tools, from an equity impact perspective.
  7. Expand efforts to support wellness for law professionals -- including attorneys of color who face microaggressions and other particular challenges -- to implement preventative well-being strategies in order to reduce negative consequences, including mental health issues, substance use, and self-harm.
  8. Improve protections for at-risk older adults in New Jersey, including through implementation of the recommendations of the Judiciary Elder Justice Working Group.
  9. Collect and analyze voluntary demographic information from applicants and appointments to Supreme Court committees to identify areas of underrepresentation and develop strategies to increase participation

In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘what are you doing for others?’” Through each annual installment of its Action Plan, the New Jersey Supreme Court commits to advancing specific, measurable objectives to support more equitable justice for all people and continue in our work to achieve a better tomorrow.

Supreme Court Action Plan for Equal Justice 2022

Download PDF Supreme Court Action Plan - 2022

New Jersey Supreme Court Action Plan For Ensuring Equal Justice: Update on 2021 Action Items & 2022 Initiatives

In the wake of the tragic deaths of George Floyd and other people of color, the New Jersey Supreme Court and Administrative Director Glenn A. Grant on June 5, 2020 issued a public statement condemning racism and committing to “eradicate systemic barriers that stand in the way of justice.” The Court on July 16, 2020, followed up on its statement by announcing an 
inaugural 2020 Action Plan for Ensuring Equal Justice, which outlined nine key areas that the Judiciary would seek to address within one year. 

The Judiciary advanced all nine of the Court’s 2020 goals -- from institutionalizing a process to conclude probation supervision for individuals who had met rehabilitative goals, to elimination of outstanding discretionary juvenile fines and certain failure to appear warrants, to transformation of the landlord tenant process -- and in so doing removed barriers and burdens that fall disproportionately on poor people and people of color.

2021 Action Plan for Ensuring Equal Justice

On August 16, 2021, the Court released a public statement that summarized the status of each of the 2020 action items -- and a 2021 Action Plan that committed to focus on another nine equity initiatives. Over the past year, the Judiciary again has advanced all of the nine items in this second installment, with measurable results realized in the following areas: 

  • In coordination with intergovernmental partners and community stakeholders, the Judiciary is connecting court-involved individuals with critical mental health resources and advancing the work of the Mental Health Advisory Committee. 
  • Two counties already have implemented pilot programs focusing on people with serious mental illness who have been released consistent with Criminal Justice Reform and are subject to pretrial monitoring. Two more counties are in the planning phase of similar programs, which strive to better identify individuals with mental illness in county jails; facilitate linkages at the time of release to community-based services; explore opportunities for admission into diversionary programs and downgrades of criminal charges; and identify strategies for establishing a sustainable mental health diversion model for statewide expansion.
  • To broaden support and engagement in what will be an ongoing statewide mental health initiative, all Judiciary employees during the past few months completed training on mental health awareness and response.
  • The Judiciary Opportunities for Building Success (JOBS) program has connected hundreds of probation clients and  participants in Recovery Court with employment opportunities, made possible through partnerships with various stakeholders. Implemented in all 21 counties by 2021, the JOBS program involves public-private partnerships with some of the top companies in New Jersey, including hospital systems, utilities, and large and small businesses, such as Goya Foods, Inc., Community Foodbank -- NJ, Public Service Gas & Electric (PSE&G), Amazon/Audible, Wayfair, Wakefern, Hard Rock, NJ Transit, Atlantic City Electronic, Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas Healthcare, Cooper Healthcare, the Essex County Bar Association, the New Jersey Presidents Council, Jingoli Industries, and the Department of Labor and Workforce Development. 
  • Hundreds of probation clients and participants in Recovery Court have been connected to meaningful employment (on the record with good pay and benefits) and valuable training programs that build skills and impart knowledge that clients will use throughout their terms of probation and beyond. Black clients comprise the largest race category (53%) of those 
    who have secured employment through the JOBS program.
  • The 8,500+ members of the Judiciary workforce have completed training on awareness of implicit bias. Through interactive virtual programs conducted during the past year, all state court employees learned how to recognize and interrupt the effects of bias in professional and everyday contexts. 
  • The Judiciary created and implemented an Equity Impact Analysis (EIA) protocol so that that all new or revised court policies and protocols are reviewed before finalization to ensure alignment with Judiciary values and address potential disparities in the process or the outcome. Through regular use of the EIA in conjunction with Guiding Principles, the Judiciary this past year has identified and remedied potential gaps in policy proposals in order to advance access, fairness, and equity in court practices and procedures. The use of the EIA has also prompted deeper analysis of data regarding racial and ethnic disparities and illuminated areas in need of further data collection and analysis.
  • The Court amended the Court Rules to authorize pro bono representation in State Tax matters by supervised law students and others appearing before the Division of Taxation and the Tax Court. The Court’s March 15, 2022 Order responded to an acknowledged gap in services for people of limited economic means. Stakeholders in the Executive Branch and Legal Services of New Jersey are continuing to work together to implement the Court-approved program.
  • The Court authorized the collection of attorney demographic data, starting in January 2023, as part of the annual attorney registration process. This Court initiative will establish a baseline for diversity and inclusion in the legal profession. 
  • The Judiciary established a Special Committee that will soon issue recommendations to enhance procedural safeguards in Family Non-Dissolution (FD) matters in order to ensure equity consistent with similarly situated cases in the Family Matrimonial (FM) docket. 
  • The Court’s November 18, 2021 Order on the Future of Court Operations established an evolving framework to integrate lessons learned from the expedited transition to remote operations and the use of virtual proceedings necessitated by the pandemic. In order to better meet the needs of all consumers of court services, the Court committed to “a transition from almost all in-person court proceedings before the pandemic to a future that uses technology to provide expanded options for access, participation, timeliness, and justice."
  • As approved by the Court, the Judiciary on July 19, 2022 issued Directive #07-22 (“New Jersey Judiciary Policy on Accessible & Inclusive Communications”). In the new policy, the Court committed to communications that are more understandable and accessible. The policy also reaffirms a commitment to communications that consider diverse identities and experiences, avoid and reduce barriers, and address the individual needs of each court user. 

Maintaining Momentum on Equity Initiatives

The Court over the past two years has demonstrated a commitment to new results and has sustained the reforms highlighted in the first two installments of its Action Plan. Even as new initiatives are advanced, the Judiciary continues to ensure that the progress and advancements made in the prior years are permanently incorporated into our work. 

Among other ongoing efforts, we continue to advance many of the initiatives championed in the 2020 and 2021 Action Plans, including:

  • Efforts to improve inclusion and reduce bias in jury processes through more representative jury pools, exploration of attorney-conducted voir dire and a voluntary reduction in peremptory challenges, along with a new more objective approach to striking otherwise qualified jurors. For a recent update, see the July 12, 2022 notice publishing the Supreme 
    Court’s Administrative Determinations on the Recommendations of the Judicial Conference on Jury Selection and related orders;
  • Increase in pilot programs and expansion of efforts to support individuals with mental health challenges who become involved with the courts. The Judiciary anticipates announcements about funding and plans for additional pilot programs in a number of counties in the coming year, as part of developing a model for eventual statewide use; and 
  • Continuing collaboration with an array of private employers, the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, and others to connect probation clients and participants in Recovery Court with meaningful employment as part of their reintegration into society.

New Goals for the 2022 Action Plan for Ensuring Equal Justice

In addition to continuing the momentum of prior years, the Supreme Court has authorized a focus on the following items in the coming year: 

  1. Integration and expansion of tools for judges and staff at all levels to voluntarily engage in race equity discussions, including development of a toolkit to facilitate such conversations at all levels; 
  2. Enhancement of local initiatives designed to reduce the inappropriate use of secure juvenile detention, while protecting public safety and supporting court appearances; 
  3. Analysis of data regarding youth in out-of-home placements, with a focus on reducing the disparity in time to permanency for youth of color;
  4. Enhancement of practices, protocols, and trainings to ensure inclusion and the elimination of structural barriers to the courts for LGBTQ+ people; 
  5. Institutionalization of community engagement initiatives to maintain and strengthen relationships with attorneys, other system stakeholders, and members of the public as part of promoting public confidence in the courts;
  6. Reexamination of court practices related to all types of disabilities or different abilities, in partnership with Disability Rights New Jersey and other public and private stakeholders; 
  7. Coordination of outreach and awareness programs focused on, and responsive to, populations at risk of violence, including Asians and Pacific Islanders and individuals of Jewish faith and culture, in addition to ongoing outreach and collaboration with groups that advance issues affecting people of color; 
  8. Continued expansion of the relationships and outreach of the County Domestic Violence Working Groups to optimize processes and outcomes for individuals and families; and
  9. Expansion of training on data analytics for judges and court staff to identify and address potential disparate effects on people of color and support organization-wide consideration of quantitative (as well as qualitative) measures to assess policies.

While the path to a more equitable future may at times be more difficult, the journey -- and the destination -- are of ongoing importance and urgency. In that spirit, the Court commits to focus on and allocate resources to advance 
a new package of reforms designed to make the courts fairer, more accessible, and more just for all people. 

Supreme Court Action Plan for Equal Justice 2021

Download PDF Supreme Court Action Plan - 2021

New Jersey Supreme Court Action Plan For Ensuring Equal Justice: Update on 2020 Action Items & 2021 Initiatives

The New Jersey Supreme Court on July 16, 2020 issued its inaugural Action Plan for Ensuring Equal Justice, which documented the New Jersey Judiciary’s longstanding leadership in the area of racial and ethnic fairness. In that document, the Court committed the Judiciary to do even more, both immediately and in the future, to improve equity in the courts. This report provides an update on the status of the Court’s 2020 action items and announces further areas of focus for 2021.

The 2020 Action Plan introduced nine areas in which the Court sought to make equity-based improvements within one year. Consistent with the Court’s pledge, the Judiciary has advanced those action items. In addition, members of the court community have embraced the opportunity to examine internal processes, expand collaboration with stakeholders, and enhance court procedures and services to address both identified and potential gaps in equity. These ongoing interrelated efforts are designed to support greater access, fairness, and equity for all who seek justice through the New Jersey courts, especially for individuals and communities who throughout history have been underrepresented and as a result have experienced less than true equality under the law. Taken together, they are intended to ensure that our system of justice provides expanded options for individuals to connect with court services, understandable processes for navigating court systems, meaningful opportunities to be heard, and consistent procedures that support fair and unbiased outcomes.

The pursuit of equity is an ongoing process that requires constant recommitment and concerted action. To that end, the New Jersey Supreme Court here announces nine new initiatives to improve procedural and substantive justice for everyone, including adults and children who continue to face obstacles because of racism and systemic disparities. These Year 2 action items include reforms intended to improve equity for people of color, as well as for persons affected by mental health conditions, addiction, and the challenges associated with poverty.

Status Of Progress - Action Plan Year 1

The following chronicles the Judiciary’s progress in each of the nine areas set forth in its 2020 Action Plan, including both short-term improvements and institutionalization of ongoing reforms.

  1. Supporting Juror Impartiality
    The New Jersey Supreme Court is committed to the selection of fair and impartial juries that fully represent their communities. Having requested and considered public comments on draft proposals, the Court in July 2021 approved new jury selection questions and additions to model jury instructions to support juror impartiality and reduce the effects of implicit bias. These updated questions and instructions will be implemented later in 2021 in conjunction with a new juror orientation video on impartiality and implicit bias.

    The Supreme Court in State v. Andujar (A-6-20) (decided July 13, 2021) announced a Judicial Conference on Jury Selection in late 2021. The Judicial Conference will examine implicit bias in jury selection, including but not limited to the potential effects of the allotment and exercise of peremptory challenges on juries and juror experiences in criminal trials. In State v. Dangcil (State v. Wildemar A. Dangcil A-56-20) (decided August 16, 2021), the Court also directed that juror demographic data be collected.
  2. Reducing Timeframes for Post-Dispositional Supervision
    The Court in December 2020 approved a framework for standardized statewide review of certain adults and juveniles subject to probation supervision. Consistent with that protocol, Superior Court judges ordered early termination of probation supervision for more than 500 individuals who had achieved critical rehabilitative goals and met other relevant criteria. Some individuals were discharged entirely, and others had their cases converted from supervision to collections only.

    The Court-authorized review and individualized judicial actions ended the burdens – disproportionately faced by Black and Latino people – associated with ongoing court involvement beyond a rehabilitative purpose. This standardized review process and timely conclusion of supervisory terms will continue and expand as supported by new automated risk assessment tools.
  3. Supporting Juvenile Rehabilitation
    The Court in its October 20, 2020 Order vacated all outstanding discretionary juvenile fines (which totaled more than $140,000 statewide), stating that “[t]he young people who owe those fines - including disproportionate numbers of youth of color - overwhelmingly lack the capacity to make necessary payments, and the fines serve only to prolong involvement with the juvenile and criminal justice systems.” The Court’s October 20, 2020 Order also vacated open failure to appear juvenile warrants issued more than five years ago for non-violent 4th degree or lesser charges.

    In addition to those immediate actions, the Court established a process for local courts to annually dismiss such warrants, so as to avoid prolonged burdens on individuals who as juveniles failed to appear for minor, nonviolent charges.
  4. Requiring Anti-Bias Continuing Legal Education (CLE)
    The Court adopted amendments to Continuing Legal Education (CLE) requirements, effective January 1, 2021, so as to require all judges and attorneys to complete two hours (in each two-year reporting cycle) of coursework in diversity, inclusion, and elimination of bias, as part of an expanded five-hour requirement for ethics and professionalism.

    Following through on the Court’s promise to support fulfillment of these new requirements, the Judiciary in early 2021 launched a year-long series of free virtual CLE courses on the elimination of bias. To date, more than 3,500 individuals have participated in the Judiciary’s interactive virtual programs, which examine the histories and dynamics of structural, explicit, and implicit biases; explore the relationship among implicit associations, implicit assumptions, and implicit bias in thought processes and decision-making; identify microaggressions common in professional legal settings; and provide additional tools and resources to eliminate the effects of bias in the administration of justice and the practice of law. In addition to New Jersey licensed attorneys seeking to fulfill the new CLE requirement, justices and judges from around the nation have participated in the ongoing virtual courses.

    The Court’s amendments to Rule 1:42 prompted reexamination of other educational requirements, as reflected in new requirements for diversity, inclusion, and elimination of bias training for municipal court administrators, deputy administrators, and directors, and in the addition of implicit bias training for Family Part and Civil Mediators.
  5. Using Technology to Improve Opportunities to Access Expungement Resources
    New Jersey expungement statutes were recently amended to reduce waiting periods and expand the types of offenses eligible for expungement. As required by those legislative enactments, the Court authorized expungement electronic filing. Throughout 2021, the Judiciary has engaged in outreach efforts to raise awareness of expanded expungement resources and to facilitate use of this new tool.

    In the November 2020 general election, New Jersey voters approved a referendum to decriminalize the use of marijuana by adults. The new law required dismissal and vacatur by operation of certain offenses that involve distribution or possession of small amounts of marijuana or hashish and entitled individuals to obtain expungements of those records. Accordingly, the Court in its July 1, 2021 Order authorized the automation of expungements for eligible individuals in the enumerated categories. As a result, the records of people who are poor and lack legal resources will be cleansed with the same efficiency and timeliness as the records of individuals who can afford access to legal representation. Approximately 360,000 cases in the Superior Court (Criminal and Family) and in the Municipal Courts potentially fall within this statutory direction. The Judiciary has launched an outreach campaign to ensure that all eligible individuals are aware of the new legislation and the benefits that flow from expungements.
  6. Enabling Alternative Methods of Resolving Municipal Court Matters
    The Judiciary developed and implemented the Municipal Case Resolution (MCR) system. This online system allows court users to electronically reach out to the municipal prosecutor to help resolve certain traffic offenses remotely without an appearance. Rolled out statewide in July 2020, tens of thousands of defendants have used this online system to initiate a plea agreement with the municipal prosecutor to resolve their case.

    As authorized by the Court, the Judiciary expanded the Statewide Violations Bureau Schedule to add more than 400 additional matters for which defendants can plead guilty without a court appearance. The Judiciary also enhanced the online portal so as to allow online payments, without court appearances, for non-traffic/parking matters and to support payments by monthly installments.

    The Court in April 2021 authorized the substantial expansion of time payment plans and alternatives in order to ensure that such reasonable options are widely rather than sparingly available to defendants. The Court’s action improves convenience to court users, specifically those with longstanding or short-term financial challenges, and avoids discussion of financial circumstances in open court. The Court urged judges to use their statutory authority when appropriate to revoke all or a portion of a penalty if (1) continuing payment of even a modest amount would cause a hardship or (2) the circumstances have changed such that it is in the interest of justice to do so.
  7. Broadening Language Access Resources
    The Judiciary expanded and improved language access services during the COVID-19 pandemic, including to add simultaneous interpreting (in addition to the consecutive mode) so as to maximize the efficiency of remote proceedings.

    The Court in June 2020 supplemented its existing Language Access Plan to provide guidance for remote proceedings. In 2021, the Judiciary posted comprehensive Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) resources on its public website. Those new public-facing resources include training webinars and instructional videos for court interpreters to provide services using different technologies. Virtual information sessions were also offered to freelance interpreters in spring 2021 to provide additional supports to the professionals called upon by the courts to provide services in remote and hybrid settings.
  8. Reexamining Access to Misused Court Records
    The Court in September 2020 solicited public comment on proposed amendments to Rule 1:38 (“Court Records Excluded from Public Access”) so as to remove from public access certain categories of records in landlord tenant matters. The eviction crisis arising from the COVID-19 pandemic increased the urgency of this reexamination for hundreds of thousands of New Jersey tenants and landlords. Those tenants include not only individuals who struggled to pay rent during COVID-19 but also those with cases before and after the public health crisis for whom the process of obtaining future rental housing may be more difficult in light of changes to the economic landscape.

    The Court in July 2021 determined to exclude from public access certain categories of records of adjudicated landlord tenant cases. The Judiciary has explored the operational steps necessary to implement the Court’s action, as of March 2022. Read the recent "Notice and Order" for amendments to Rule 1:38-3(f) in removing public access records in landlord tenant matters.
  9.  Improving the Landlord Tenant Process
    Over the past year, the Court authorized a number of reforms to improve equity in landlord tenant proceedings, including the establishment of an exemption from other pro bono requirements for attorneys who provide at least 25 hours of uncompensated representation to qualifying tenants or landlords. During the extended moratorium on residential evictions, the Court introduced virtual settlement conferences to assist willing parties in resolving disputes without delay. At the same time, Judiciary staff at all levels worked with intergovernmental partners, including the Department of Community Affairs, to connect New Jersey residents with rental housing assistance resources.

    In March 2021, Chief Justice Stuart Rabner established the Special Committee on Landlord Tenant to reimagine all aspects of the landlord tenant process in New Jersey. In its April 21, 2021 report, the Special Committee offered recommendations to address all phases of landlord tenant events through proposed amendments to Court Rules, new and revised forms, improved court processes, and informational materials. As recommended by the Special Committee, the Court in June 2021 established a new statewide Landlord Tenant Legal Specialist program to enhance case review, provide opportunities for resolution before trial, and support the fair and efficient processing of cases.

    After considering extensive written comments and oral testimony by practitioners and advocates, the Court on July 14, 2021 issued its Administrative Determinations on the Special Committee’s Report and Recommendations. Contemporaneously, the Court in its July 14, 2021 Order relaxed the Rules of Court so as to establish a new process for residential landlord tenant cases.

    The Court’s actions involve new pleadings, revised processes, and pretrial events that will support a more robust and transparent record, so as to enable early identification of issues, differentiated management of cases, and opportunities for parties to connect with rental assistance and legal assistance resources and to resolve disputes without trial. The interrelated reforms approved by the Court will support fair and efficient processing of landlord tenant cases throughout New Jersey.

Advancing Equity In The Context Of A Global Pandemic

Beyond the above one-year action items, the Court in its 2020 Action Plan committed to continue ongoing efforts to improve procedural justice and support equitable outcomes for all people. Despite the challenges of a global pandemic, the Judiciary over the past year has fulfilled the Court’s promise, including in the areas of Criminal Justice Reform, Juvenile Justice, and Municipal Courts. In each of those and other areas, the Court authorized temporary modifications to court operations so as to sustain and even enhance access and fairness.

The Court responded to the unprecedented risks associated with incarceration during the pandemic, including through a Consent Order for the release of certain defendants, and adjustments to sentencing protocols designed to reduce jail populations without jeopardizing public safety. The Judiciary also implemented remote reporting by defendants released pretrial to maintain oversight and critical connections with individuals subject to monitoring.

In child welfare dockets, virtual proceedings yielded unexpected benefits. Remote technologies offered a convenient way for youth to participate in court events without missing school or other responsibilities. The use of remote formats for final adoption hearings avoided delays to permanency for children throughout New Jersey and enabled families to celebrate those joyous occasions.

The Judiciary is in the process of an ongoing transition to a “remote first” approach to the Municipal Courts and other high-volume dockets. At the same time, the Court has continued to address the unintended consequences of driver’s license suspensions and bench warrants in old cases no longer suitable for prosecution. The Court in May 2021 dismissed nearly 300,000 minor municipal court matters involving active driver’s license suspensions, imposed at least 27 years ago, for defendants who failed to appear in court. The Court expects to dismiss another 1.5 million additional cases through calendar year 2022 as part of this initiative.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Court led in a manner designed to ensure access to the courts for all people, particularly mindful of those who confronted greater barriers because of the sudden transition from in-person to remote operations. Among other steps, the Court authorized the Judiciary’s expansion of its electronic filing system so that self-represented individuals could seek legal relief without delay, even while the number of judges and court staff present in courts was curtailed to protect public health. The Court also approved temporary modifications to jury processes, including virtual grand juries and hybrid jury trials, to uphold the rights of criminal defendants. The Court conditioned those adjustments on the Judiciary’s procurement and provision of Broadband enabled tablets to jurors in need of technology so that all qualified members of the community could serve on grand juries and trial juries. Beyond court programs and processes, the Chief Justice, Supreme Court, and Administrative Director responded to the wave of anti-Asian violence that escalated during the pandemic by engaging judges, court staff, and legal and nonlegal advocates.

Continuation Of Progress - Year 2 Initiatives

As part of an organizational focus on advancing equity in all areas of court services, the Court over the past year guided the Judiciary’s efforts to achieve measurable results in the areas highlighted for initial action. All levels of the courts contributed to making progress on the 2020 action items. At the same time, the Court’s call to action resonated throughout the organization such that judges, staff, and other members of the court community identified and raised for attention other areas of known or potential inequity. These areas form the basis for the Court’s 2021 Action Plan for Ensuring Equal Justice. Building on the framework and principles of its 2020 Action Plan, the New Jersey Supreme Court now announces the following areas in which the Judiciary will strive to demonstrate measurable progress within the next year:

  1. Improving procedural safeguards and equitable outcomes for individuals with mental health challenges who are involved with the justice system.

    The Judiciary in coordination with intergovernmental partners and community stakeholders will advance the work of the Mental Health Advisory Committee.
  2. Supporting employment opportunities for clients and graduates of Judiciary drug court and probation programs.

    In partnership with private employers, the Department of Labor, Legislators, Prosecutors, Public Defenders, and public institutions, the Court through the Judiciary Opportunities for Building Success (JOBS) program will advance initiatives aimed at connecting New Jersey drug court participants, Intensive Supervision Program (ISP) participants, and probation clients to training and employment opportunities.
  3. Requiring training on implicit bias and elimination of bias for all Judiciary employees.

    The Court will evaluate a proposal to require all state court employees to complete a standardized training on recognition and elimination of explicit and implicit bias.
  4. Integrating equity impact analysis tools to support consideration of (and mitigation against) potential disparities in court policies and protocols.

    The Court will consider introduction of internal tools to ensure that proposed policies and protocols align with the Judiciary’s values and mission, including to facilitate evaluation of anticipated outcomes, including those that may have a disparate or disproportionate effect on certain racial or ethnic groups. Consistent engagement in equity impact analysis would support implementation of appropriate strategies to prevent inequitable results and systemic disparities in outcomes.
  5. Expanding access to legal representation at all levels of the courts.

    The Court will consider a number of proposals designed to support access to legal assistance for individuals and entities who otherwise would lack such guidance. Such initiatives may involve expanded opportunities for pro bono service by attorneys, including in areas of significant potential consequences. Efforts may include expanded permission for law students and recent law graduates to assist parties in certain case types and matters The Judiciary will continue to explore collaborative efforts with law school clinics and qualified pro bono organizations.
  6.  Broadening diversity and inclusion in legal and non-legal court appointments.

    The Court will explore collection and analysis of demographic data for individuals appointed by the courts, including experts, evaluators, and mediators, in order to assess the representativeness of court-involved and court-annexed programs. Tracking of expert qualifications and the baseline level of diversity and representativeness would position the Judiciary to undertake targeted outreach to underrepresented groups and to improve cultural competency in key areas, including those that involve children.
  7. Supporting fairness for children of unmarried parents through critical examination of the non-dissolution (FD) docket.

    The Court will act on a pending proposal to establish a Special Committee to bring together key stakeholders from legal and community advocacy associations along with judges and court staff. That Special Committee would develop recommendations to enhance procedural safeguards in Family Non-Dissolution (FD) matters and ensure equity and procedural fairness consistent with similarly situated cases in the Family Matrimonial (FM) docket.
  8. Modernizing aspects of court access and records to align with new technologies and remote operations.

    The Court will review and seek public comment on a number of related proposals to integrate the lessons learned during the temporary transition to remote operations.
  9. Using language that is inclusive and easy to understand in court communications.

    Language, both spoken and written, is central to how the courts interface with litigants, stakeholders, and the community. The Court will consider an array of proposals to reexamine and improve use of language in all areas.

Next Steps: Ongoing Transparency And Accountability

Words alone are insufficient to advance the cause of equity. Actions, even when coupled with good intentions, likewise are not enough. In the end, the value of the New Jersey Supreme Court’s plans will be in the sustainable systemic changes that are achieved.

The 2020 Action Plan for Ensuring Equal Justice resulted in measurable benefits to people of color and others who historically have been underserved by or marginalized within the justice system. Those tangible benefits included vacating non-rehabilitative fines and open warrants, automated expungements of minor marijuana offenses, and early termination of probation supervision – all of which involve the lifting of burdens that fall disproportionately on Black and Latino people within our communities. In other areas, such as reforms to jury selection and improvements to landlord tenant processes, results will be less immediate and require more time to yield cognizable changes, which is why the Judiciary has taken steps to collect the data necessary to evaluate the results of these efforts.

The Court in its Year 2 Action Plan again commits to initiatives that will yield immediate results as well as procedural and operational improvements that will position the New Jersey courts as a leader in fostering a system of justice that is accessible, equitable, and free from structural barriers and biases.

Supreme Court Action Plan for Equal Justice 2020

Download PDF Supreme Court Action Plan for Equal Justice 2020

New Jersey Judiciary -- Commitment to Eliminating Barriers to Equal Justice: Immediate Action Items and Ongoing Effort

The New Jersey Judiciary is committed to ensuring access and fairness for everyone, and to seeking out and eliminating barriers to equality wherever they exist. Through the leadership of Chief Justice Stuart Rabner and the New Jersey Supreme Court, the Judiciary continues to work diligently to uncover and address institutional obstacles to justice for all people, especially those who have been disadvantaged by the court system and denied true justice.

On June 5, 2020 the New Jersey Supreme Court renewed its commitment to eradicating systemic barriers to equality and promised to do more to ensure that our courts administer justice. Today, the Court follows up on that statement by announcing specific interim goals that the New Jersey Judiciary will strive to achieve within the next year, while continuing ongoing efforts, including working internally and with our interbranch partners to identify, confront, and seek to remedy institutional bias and inequality.

Confronting the Need for Change

Guided by the Court, New Jersey judges and staff over the past several weeks have engaged in frank conversations about discrimination against Black people and others, focusing on how systemic racism continues to contribute to disparate court experiences and outcomes for children and adults of color. The Judiciary, at all levels, will confront those challenges and continue to engage in critical self-analysis and collaborative discussion as one part of identifying and eliminating individual and institutional bias. To that end, the Court has approved expanded internal training and awareness programs for judges and staff to ensure that our community will be part of the solution.

The Supreme Court’s One-Year Action Plan

The New Jersey Judiciary has not yet identified all areas of disparity in our justice system and commits to redoubling our efforts to uncover those obstacles to equality while at the same time taking steps to address known barriers to access and justice.

In furtherance of the principles articulated in its June 5, 2020 statement, the New Jersey Supreme Court will work to accomplish the following reforms within the next year while expanding additional longer-term efforts:

  1. Supporting Juror Impartiality. The Judiciary will work to implement policies and protocols to support juror impartiality, including: (a) expanded juror orientation content regarding implicit and explicit bias; (b) model jury charges on impartiality and implicit bias; (c) new and revised mandatory model jury selection questions on recognizing and counteracting bias in the jury process; and (d) examining options for changes to the Court Rules relating to impartiality in the juror selection process. Internally and in collaboration with stakeholders, we also will respond to the results of the “Peremptory Challenge Impact Study,” a forthcoming analysis by external experts of the effects of the exercise of peremptory challenges on the racial composition of jury venires and seated juries.
  2. Reducing Timeframes for Post-Dispositional Supervision. Focusing on objective measures of client outcomes and community safety, we will reexamine durational requirements established by and within the control of the Supreme Court for persons on probation supervision. The Judiciary will codify recommended timeframes for adults on probation including those graduating from our Drug Court Program and/or Intensive Supervision Program (“ISP”) to ensure that supervisory terms are tailored to provide maximum benefit without prolonging non-rehabilitative court involvement for the purpose of collecting fines and fees that can be enforced without further supervision. We also will explore standardized best practices for juvenile probationary terms, including for the Juvenile Intensive Supervision Program (“JISP”), that prioritize incentives proven to have the greatest effect on long-term prosocial behavior changes.
  3. Supporting Juvenile Rehabilitation. The Judiciary will examine options for retroactively rescinding and prospectively eliminating court-imposed punitive fines and penalties for juveniles, excluding restitution of monetary obligations and other statutorily required victim-compensation amounts. In conjunction with those efforts, we will continue expanding Juvenile Probation and JISP resources, including through development of culturally. focused trainings and programs to meet the needs of all youth under supervision, including substantial numbers of youth of color.
  4. Requiring Anti-Bias Continuing Legal Education. The Supreme Court will revisit, refine, and adopt an “elimination of bias” requirement as part of statewide mandatory Continuing Legal Education for judges and attorneys.
  5. Using Technology to Make the Expungement Process Easier. The Judiciary will improve opportunities for all persons to access expungement resources, including through ongoing in-person and virtual outreach efforts and expanded use of technology.
  6. Enabling Alternative Methods of Resolving Municipal Court Matters.
    We will reduce the need for litigants to appear in person at Municipal Courts, including by expanding (a) the Statewide Violations Bureau Schedule to allow payment (without appearance) of additional low-level statutory fines and penalties; and (b) the Municipal Online Dispute Resolution application, which enables persons charged with minor matters to negotiate a plea amount via an online portal for approval by a judge.
  7. Broadening Language Access Resources. Building on initial steps implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Supreme Court will supplement the Judiciary Language Access Plan to provide more detailed guidance on interpreting services for remote court proceedings and additional resources and standards for indigenous language services.
  8. Reexamining Access to Misused Court Records. The Supreme Court will prioritize ongoing efforts to amend Court Rule 1:38 (“Public Access to Court and Administrative Records”) to exclude from public access records that as currently maintained create inappropriate hardships for disadvantaged populations (e.g., records of landlord/tenant complaint filings that do not note the outcome), while upholding the Judiciary’s commitment to transparency.
  9. Improving the Landlord/Tenant Process. The Judiciary will support fairer processes by providing plain language information to tenants and landlords about claims and defenses and engaging judges in focused review of settlement agreements, especially those involving self-represented litigants.

The Court will strive to deliver results in the above nine areas within the next year as part of the continuing process to address pervasive barriers to justice.

Continuing Critical Judiciary Initiatives

The New Jersey Judiciary has a long history of confronting race-based disparities in the courts. More than 30 years ago, New Jersey joined with New York, Michigan, and Washington to create the National Consortium on Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts, and we continue to host provocative and necessary programs through the Consortium and the National Center for State Courts. Three decades ago, the New Jersey Supreme Court established a standing committee to examine and propose responses to racial inequality in the justice system, initially named the Committee on Minority Concerns. The Court in 2019 issued a new name – the Committee on Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement – and an updated and expanded charge to that group, which continues to inform our policy initiatives through centralized and grassroots efforts with community stakeholders.

Aware of the dual challenges of a global pandemic and economic downturn, the Court commits to continuing to support meaningful access to and inclusion in the courts, including through the following critical initiatives.

  • Through Municipal Court reforms, we have reexamined and modified the use of contempt sanctions; amended the Court Rules to cap financial penalties for failures to appear and failures to pay; limited the use of bench warrants as an enforcement tool; and by Court Order dismissed more than 787,000 unresolved, minor matters that were at least 15 years or older.
  • Through juvenile justice reforms, including the Juvenile Detention Alternative (JDAI) program, we have substantially reduced the numbers of juveniles detained in secure facilities and supported young people in reinventing themselves and reclaiming their futures after early court involvement.
  • Through Criminal Justice Reform, New Jersey has significantly reduced the numbers of Black people and others detained pretrial in state and county jails. This stops at the early stages a criminal justice process that otherwise leads to loss of employment, loss of housing, and loss of family connections.

In addition to those documented efforts, the New Jersey Judiciary in recent years has launched initiatives to deconstruct and recreate institutions that serve as operative points in providing equality and fairness, including the following:

  • Analyzing and Reforming the Jury Selection Process. The Judiciary will continue its “Combined Jury Studies” started in 2016, which seek to identify areas of potential disparity and bias in the jury selection process. In consultation with external experts engaged in 2019, the Judiciary will continue (1) quantitative analysis of the representativeness of reporting juror pools, and (2) evaluation of potential disproportionate exclusion of people of color at critical junctures in the post-selection progress, including the exercise of peremptory challenges. Those ongoing efforts will inform new strategies to support more representative juror pools and seated juries.

  • Transforming Probation Services. The Judiciary’s Probation Services Division will continue to transition from a model based on monitoring and enforcement to a program committed to assisting clients in making positive behavior changes in their lives. Among other changes, Probation is (1) mitigating against individual implicit bias by using a validated risk/needs tool to assess recidivism risk and identify and target areas in need of intervention; (2) focusing on high risk cases and avoiding unnecessary criminal justice involvement for low-risk clients no longer in need of services; (3) using a structured response grid to ensure uniformity in responses and prioritization of incentives and graduated sanctions in lieu of frequent violations; and (4) training all Probation Officers to use cognitive behavioral, problem-solving techniques to help clients in making and sustaining positive change.

  • Bridging the Digital Divide. The Judiciary will continue to leverage technology to enable access to the courts, including through new and improved electronic filing systems designed for self-represented litigants. In launching and expanding such efforts, we recognize that people of color are less likely to have access to home computers and reliable internet service, and we will continue to assist court users and provide technology when necessary, including in dedicated resource rooms in Judiciary facilities and, in some cases, via distribution of technology to jurors and others involved in virtual court proceedings.

Through the above ongoing efforts and other in-depth initiatives, the Judiciary will continue to dedicate resources to analyze judicial operations and implement data-driven reforms as part of improving processes and outcomes for people of color.

Supporting Legislative Reforms

Systemic problems require systemic solutions. In conjunction with the above Judiciary-led reforms, the Court reiterates its ongoing commitment to work with the Executive and Legislative branches to respond to disparity. Mindful of its fundamental independence and neutrality, the Judiciary will collaborate with the Legislature and the Executive branch as appropriate on legislation in the following areas:

  • Reexamining the Jury Selection Process: Working with partners to respond to the results of a forthcoming study on the exclusion of cognizable groups from jury venires and seated juries.

  • Mental Health Initiatives: Supporting system-wide initiatives to improve the criminal justice system’s handling of matters involving individuals with mental illness while improving access to mental health services for individuals with criminal and non-criminal court involvement, including through (1) creation of options to redirect eligible persons away from the criminal justice system and into appropriate case management and mental health services; and (2) establishment of court-annexed pilot programs for support and resources. Continuing the ongoing efforts of the Judiciary Mental Health Advisory Committee, which includes representatives from all three branches of government as well as health providers, mental health advocacy groups, and local law enforcement.

  • Juvenile Justice Reforms: Supporting fairer processes and more equitable outcomes for juveniles, including: (1) expanding Office of Public Defender representation of juveniles; (2) accelerating the rescission of certain juvenile delinquency fines and making discretionary post-incarceration supervision; (3) retroactively rescinding and dismissing juvenile fines and penalties beyond the purview of the Court; (4) removing youth from prison-like environments; (5) investing in non-prison-like rehabilitative programs; and (6) investing in mental health support services for juveniles.

  • Sentencing Reforms: Implementing the recommendations of the Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission, including: (1) resentencing certain inmates; (2) establishing youthful age of defendant as a mitigating factor in sentencing; (3) retroactively rescinding or modifying mandatory terms of parole eligibility; and (4) studying compassionate release programs and possible elimination of mandatory minimum terms.

  • Municipal Court: Supporting implementation of the recommendations of the Supreme Court Committee on Municipal Court Operations, Fines, and Fees, and the Working Group on the Municipal Courts, to amend statutes regarding (1) penalties for violations of municipal ordinances that may be prescribed by a municipality; (2) consequences of nonpayment; (3) incarceration for default on certain penalties (to increase the incarceration conversion rate); and (4) potential consolidation of municipal courts.

  • Reentry: Supporting a fair start for persons in treatment and recovery through various means, including: (1) modifying legal consequences associated with marijuana offenses; (2) expanding the availability of expungements to include graduates of the Intensive Supervision Program (ISP); and (3) permitting those admitted into court-ordered supervisory treatment programs for drug/alcohol dependency to earn credit against amounts owed on court-imposed financial obligations.

  • Law Enforcement Decisions About Whom to Arrest and Prosecute.
    Supporting efforts by the Attorney General to examine both identified and unintended factors that influence decisions about arrest and prosecution, recognizing that those early decision points affect the racial disparity that exists in New Jersey’s jails where Black defendants still represent 55 percent of the jail population even though there are fewer defendants of all races and both genders in jail today under Criminal Justice Reform. Acknowledging that potential initial disparities in arrest and prosecution contribute to future disparities throughout the criminal justice process. Continuing ongoing cooperation of all decision-makers within the criminal justice system and analysis of the disparities at each step in the arrest, prosecution, and pretrial process.

Next Steps

The New Jersey Supreme Court recognizes that this effort “will require continued long-term commitment, dedication, and focus to institute lasting change.” Today, the Court announces an action plan to support such lasting change, bringing together critical self-exploration and dialogue, targeted short-term goals, and renewed commitment to eliminating systemic barriers to equality.