Tamsen Thorpe
Business:Directions, CLS, LLC
Morristown, NJ 07960
Phone Number:Fax Number:(973) 539-3687Email: -
Hourly Rate:
Hourly Rate:$350.00
Dr. Thorpe has been certified In Mediation Training since 2006 from the NJ Institute For Continuing Legal Education (!CLE). She received her Basic Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice Training In 2008 from the Center for Mediation and Collaborative Divorce. She has been trained as a
Parent Coordinator since 2005 through the Association of Family and Conciliatory Courts (AFCC). Dr. Thorpe also received training through the AFCC in the area of children and divorce
specifically family reconciliation when a child is refusing parental visitation. She has taken
numerous advanced courses to keep current in the area of high conflict families.