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How do I handle expenditures or expenses on behalf of my client (e.g., cost for experts, transcripts, etc.)?

How do I handle expenditures or expenses on behalf of my client (e.g., cost for experts, transcripts, etc.)?

Rule 1:13-2(b) provides in relevant part that “no attorney assigned to represent a person by reason of poverty . . . shall be required to expend any personal funds in the prosecution of the cause.” N.J.S.A. 9:3-53 controls the costs associated with private adoption matters, and indicates they are to be born by the plaintiff. However, there may be situations where, after inquiry by the court, the plaintiff does not have the means to pay for certain defense costs. In these instances, counsel may research other avenues of payment and caselaw related thereto. Specifically relating to costs on appeal, R. 2:5-3(d) provides in relevant part that “if the appellant is indigent and is entitled to have a transcript of the proceedings below furnished without charge for use on appeal, either the trial or the appellate court, on application, may order the transcript prepared at public expense.” “[I]n those instances when it is not appropriate to shift the cost of a transcript on appeal to a plaintiff in an involuntary private adoption action, the OPD's duty to an indigent parent confronted with the loss of parental rights by operation of N.J.S.A. 9:3-46 shall include the duty to pay for a transcript on appeal. In view of that holding, the question of who pays shall no longer delay appellate review. That said, we encourage courts to restrict the required portions of a transcript to the minimum necessary for that review, thereby minimizing the impact on the public fisc.” In re Adoption of a Child by J.D.S., 176 N.J. 154, 158-159.